Damn, all this time and nobody gave it a vote? Lemme help you, bud.
Damn, all this time and nobody gave it a vote? Lemme help you, bud.
Fantastic work, you really have improved a lot since you started. I like the effect on how the lights dim in Ruby's surroundings.
Soon more?!
Pretty good, I like the art style you have going.
Nami reminds me of Tia Harribel (Halibel) from Bleach.
More Black Lagoon characters please, BIG fan of the series here.
I plan to do Balalaika, Revy and the others as well in the future.
I like it, this could make a difference in your art appearance.
Excellent representation of her, it would explain a lot on her policies and laws.
Hehe, absolutly. Thanks for your comment. =)
I like how you captured Juri's personality, and the body proportions are pretty spot on, but the mouth and tongue could be a bit smaller. Her bust size is big compared to the real version of Juri Han, but I'm not complaining. Sweet work.
5 stars. for the uhhh….assets.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17