You did a very nice job. The color isn't a cliché being a purple/blue color, but more of a cranberry color. Good work on keeping the lighter pixels and darker pixels in appropriate places.
You did a very nice job. The color isn't a cliché being a purple/blue color, but more of a cranberry color. Good work on keeping the lighter pixels and darker pixels in appropriate places.
Thanks! That means a lot!
Really nice work with the black and violet colors. They really compliment the background, it gives it balance.
When's the *blows raspberry* next bus *blows raspberry* to bikini bottom? *blows raspberry*
This looks cool, the exaggeration of the features and size proportions make it more interesting. Look up the artist "Meatcanyon" your art style is like his but you still made it in your own way. Good work.
I honestly thought it was sperm cells.
ur eyes must be fucked LOL
The anguish upon this character after dropping such deliciousness is very relatable.
Really nice, the darkness in the background gives it that Tim Burton style feel to it.
Thanks so much, I am very happy i could give this vibe ;)
Thank you for spreading awareness.
You can do it, little guy.
Are you tired of baby Yoda? Me either.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17