Nice, it's simple and it's going to fit the season pretty soon.
Nice, it's simple and it's going to fit the season pretty soon.
This is actually what the witch was doing before Hansel and Gretel came in and fucked up her whole day.
Pretty smooth loop motion for it being pixels, nice.
Pixels can be ALOT smoother than what im currently able to do
Pretty cool bulbasaur drawing, this would be my first start off pokemon if I had to pick an original.
Pretty good, and clever too. Seeing Tsu in a poison dart frog variant is actually pretty cool.
Nice doodles, I love pets.
Kirara in the background is just adorable.
Awesome style you have, bright colors and the character is spectacularly accurate.
Reminds me of Android 18, maybe it's the forehead.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17