Alright, time to stack up on some badges.
Alright, time to stack up on some badges.
God yes.
Don't mind me, just playing some of that good Newgrounds nostalgia.
The "Five one minds" metal isn't working for me, even though I got well passes five of them.
I like the "In space" game reference in Dimitri's room.
I can't figure out how to get "the story so far badge" out of all of them that one is my issue.
But...but... if I kill Hitler. That would mean this game wouldn't exist :(
That was a pretty cool game. Nice, short, good pixelated graphics. Make another one that's longer with more upgrades, enemies, princesses, and possibly dragons. Great work.
What was the medal?
sorry, the game was to try things, including medals.
And I did not know how to occupy them, I'm sorry. and delete it
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17