She looks tired, I guess having the kids home during the quarantine is getting to her. I agree she is a milf.
She looks tired, I guess having the kids home during the quarantine is getting to her. I agree she is a milf.
The best kind of pokémon. Lovely work, I'm glad you used other pokémon than Pikachu or any of the starter ones. It's nice to see something different this time.
As much as I love those four, all the others need just as much love!! 😭
Good job on her face, and body detail. The loop could have used some work instead of it looking like it's angling around in circles.
The joy I got from the sight of this is enough for a Frontpaged spot.
The balance of the picture is great.
Lindel is the best.
The colors are really beautiful. Simple style and texture is giving me mixed feelings, in a good way.
The girl is naked but not enough to distract you from the rest of the work, but you could've done more detail or color on her. Still good work.
Much appreciate it man
I love the chocolates bring iconic characters that made Newgrounds popular.
Sweet you got Revy on there.
Really cool work you're doing. First one is my favorite, the classic sketch look is always a good style.
You were right to choose Nemesis as the thumbnail photo, out of all of them, he was the best one from what I see.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17