That's a really round ass, almost too distracting in a good way. The details have a smoke/brush look to it, it goes well with the background.
That's a really round ass, almost too distracting in a good way. The details have a smoke/brush look to it, it goes well with the background.
The body portions could be better, but you did make her look slutty in a good way with the outfit you put her in.
Nothing like waking up to a peaceful morning.
Beautiful work on Princess Peach the pastel looking colors make her clothing more original, and it really brings out her lips and the blue.
Hands can be very difficult to draw and master, and your progress looks great. The skin details look realistic I just noticed.
Thank you, I've always enjoyed painting hands, they're usually one of my favorite parts of a piece. (though I usually don't paint the skin quite to this detail in a full figure, it takes forever)
How her ass moulds out of the rip is perfect.
I like how your display was a different approach than all of them in blank white boxes as you would see around. Awesome.
I wonder if that cottontail is part of the costume or a sex plug, guess we'll find out soon won't we?
The water drip sliding on the glass, the thundercloud and flash from the lighting, glare, and scenery is all reflected off the window, and we get a view of what the child is seeing, which makes this even more impressive. The boy's blinking is smooth.
I love the skullgirls vibe your character gives off. Epic work with her jumping through hellfire.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17