I like the comic book texture on her skin, and the bright pink glow is a nice touch on the eye.
I like the comic book texture on her skin, and the bright pink glow is a nice touch on the eye.
She's just as adorable as Zhima.
Excellent work.
I love Filthy Frank. Great work on his 5 o'clock shadowing, and expression.
Looking like a Greek Goddess, beautiful dress.
Nice, are you doing noodle next?
Gotta complete the whole band.
Nice work, I like the pastel looking colorings you made.
I would feel so safe between her bosom.
Do much detail and work on the vegetation and skin.
Not bad, I expected more use of the color red for the queen of hearts, similar to Alice in wonderland. This is still beautiful though, a Valentine's pink.
thank you!! that's true, I just wanted to experiment with pink!
Awesome coloring work, 2D looks really happy. That's quite rare to see.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17