Ah, the memes. So many of them. Yup, it was a good decade for the memes.
Ah, the memes. So many of them. Yup, it was a good decade for the memes.
Thought it was necessary to travel back through meme history a bit. XD
Beautiful and sexy, I wonder who's the lucky fella (or gal) to soon marry Daisy.
Link working his eyebrows in the background was a appropriate and hilarious response.
Wow so realistic with the details and face contours, the hair has the perfect amount of grey and color, outstanding work.
Nice Jessica Rabbit dress, but you make it a spooky violet color instead of bright red to complement her character. Nice.
I love the alternative version, reminds me of the game, and the visuals are accurate to the original.
That's a drink I think we all can enjoy.
I want her to lay an egg on my chest.
Perfection at its finest.
Beautiful scenery, and the reflection of the palm trees on her butt is a sexy touch.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17