The smiling faces on the bees is terrific, the rays of light shining through from the lower corner really brings out the shading everywhere else, and the queen bee looking character is great. I love the way you drew her.
The smiling faces on the bees is terrific, the rays of light shining through from the lower corner really brings out the shading everywhere else, and the queen bee looking character is great. I love the way you drew her.
Thank you so much! :)
Really nice this picture has depth. It makes it look more spacious.
This has a nice gloomy vibe to it, good work with the shading and the effects on the window.
Now draw him with a "Really Really Big Dick"
Haha, no thank you. XD
Awesome style you drew these characters in.
Nice glitch effects.
Nice work on Mulan, the animation loop looks pretty smooth.
Whoah-ho-ho that's shines bright, I wish I can dress fly like that.
Hehe, thanks!
The colors really pop, and so does the outline, great work.
Thanks, dude!
Nice work, it looks awesome.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17