Nice colors, so rich.
Nice colors, so rich.
Nice work on her hair, and your work is looking more smooth.
Thank you!
Nice work, her stitches and bandages give off a Frankenstein's monster/mummified look.
Thanks! I was really trying. :D
Cute indeed, she looks baked too. Nice work.
Nice work on everything, especially the glow in the eyes of the hounds, and the fearful demeanor on the lady.
yay thank you! Put a lot of effort on her expression :)
Nice variety of characters, and I like how some of the colors go outside of the character's outlines, it just gives it that little extra style.
This is a nice doodle, I love creepy stuff like this. The bloody void in his eyes is enough to petrify your soul to the pit.
Half the art on Newgrounds.
Nice effects on the skin tone and lighting.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17