Long time since I saw this character on xbox or playstation.
Long time since I saw this character on xbox or playstation.
Make more on buffalo wings, she's pretty hot like this. Nice work.
Happy Friday the 13th. This is good.
Here's to solving mysteries, that turned out to be regular criminals...well most of the time.
*bites into scooby snack*
Adorable character, really sets the mood for the autumn season.
Drink up, fellas. It's good for you.
I like the comic book look you gave him, nice work on the shade of green.
Nice effects, I like the green faded background.
Thank you for liking the effects on the green faded background:)
Are you sure you aren't missing anything else in the picture? *wipesweat*
The great supreme leader would be very pleased, here's some food rations as a reward.
This is really good, it's just like the actual character. Nice glow on the cigarette light.
Just some guy on Newgrounds. Enjoy the smut on my profile. If you need anything, just ask.
Alien Invader
Newgrounds EGB Commander
Joined on 12/3/17